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Grenfell Tiles Not Considered Fit for Use in USA

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The tiles which were used in the tragic Grenfell disaster, which were likened to petrol for their flamability, were considered unfit for use in the USA. The New York based company Iconic were happy to sell them to be used in the UK and someone in the UK must surely be answerable for purchasing them. Do you think they should stand up and own up or should they let people start the slow journey of coming to terms with it if that is ever possible.

2 weeks ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I think it was common knowledge at the time of the incident that many countries didn't allow those tiles to be sold which I think are of French origin. However many countries did which unfortunately we were one of. Lots of products are sold in the US which are illegal to sell in Europe and the UK and there are lots of variations in safety laws around the world. We import a huge amount of low quality dangerous products especially from China and Asia when we desperately need the jobs here and it adds to our huge debt pile which is destroying public services as we service more and more debt.

It was a vanity project with the tower block made to look more acceptable in the London skyline nothing more really.


BonzoBanana Some of the "food" sold in the U.S. can be toxic and cancerogenic and so, they're banned in Europe.

Hopefully bugs and insects will also be banned.


PhilipMarc i know the USA has a completely different way of regulating their beauty and cosmetic products as well. In europe we test things before they are allowed to be sold whereas in America they can be sold and then they test them if people report problems


jms19 Really? I didn't know unless you report a faulty item in America they will only investigate it after you have complaint.


jam45 sorry let me edit that, I was talking specifically about the beauty and cosmetics industry in America.


please remember peoples loved ones died in this disaster ~ thanks in advance


EmmaWright762 and the ones who used it to their own advantage


Of course people should own up but it never happens. Honestly it’s disgraceful that this incident is still not dealt with and the people who made these decisions haven’t been brought to justice.


jms19 Justice implies criminal behaviour but I think the reality is utter incompetence personally. The panels were certified for use in the UK so it was legal for the builders to fit them and for the government to pay for contracts that were using them. The issue is why did we allow such panels to be sold and used in the UK at all? This is a failing of the certification and testing process and that is where we need to look at which might be European legislation or maybe European legislation that some countries opted out of but we didn't for some reason.

If you decide to fit an electric heater in your house so pay an electrician to fit it and the product is certified and the electrician has installed it as per the instructions who is responsible if the house burns down killing people in the process when it turns out there were inherent problems with the design that should never have been certified for use? Is the responsibility completely yours for making the decision to fit the electric heater despite getting it professionally installed and the product being certified for use.

The failing in Grenfell is allowing this horrifically dangerous product to be sold in the UK.

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